Are you in the habit of rushing to work and equally rushing home because there is so much to do both at home and at work? Ever went to bed tired ignoring so many things in the bedroom and kitchen needing your attention, only to be interrupted a few hours later by the sound from your alarm clock? Do you always leave the house with more chores needing your attention that you carry part of your makeup/shoes and scarves to the office to dress appropriately later? Do you sometimes wish you could be in two or three places all at once? Are you a mother that works? Because if you are, then you'll appreciate and understand why there is a need to talk about how hard each day is for this superwoman called the "working mom".
Working Moms Nigeria is an endeavors to help women strike a healthy balance between earning a living and maintaining a good home.
09 September 2010
IYA IBEJI (mama twins); A Unique and Exemplary Working Mother. THE CONCLUDING PART
07 September 2010
IYA IBEJI (mama twins); A Unique and Exemplary Working Mother. PART ONE
But with patience, she helps them have their bath and then she prepares breakfast of the regular 'Agege' Bread and Tea and no matter how many times they've had it, they loved it. For them, probably the best part of waking up. But for her, only the beginning of a very long day ahead.The kids leave for school at about 7:37am. Then she begins preparation for work at the market place where she sells foodstuff for a living...
Working Mom