

Are you in the habit of rushing to work and equally rushing home because there is so much to do both at home and at work? Ever went to bed tired ignoring so many things in the bedroom and kitchen needing your attention, only to be interrupted a few hours later by the sound from your alarm clock? Do you always leave the house with more chores needing your attention that you carry part of your makeup/shoes and scarves to the office to dress appropriately later? Do you sometimes wish you could be in two or three places all at once? Are you a mother that works? Because if you are, then you'll appreciate and understand why there is a need to talk about how hard each day is for this superwoman called the "working mom".
Working Moms Nigeria is an endeavors to help women strike a healthy balance between earning a living and maintaining a good home.

Dedicated to all the women who are juggling work and family. You too can be a part of this mind boggling experience by joining millions of ‘superheroes out there in sharing in their trails and travails. Welcome!!!

22 May 2012

Teaching Values to Your Kids

I know you will be wondering where I have been. my blog has been screaming, blog some more! Well in the last 3 months I have been shuttling between Abuja Nigeria's Capital city and Lagos Nigeria's economic city. Does this have an impact on my family? Yes! it sure does.   But my husband has been great with the boys, in fact he has exceeded my expectation; My family is in good hands and they understand that mom is making some sacrifices as well as building on her career as a communicator. 

In this consumer-driven society of ours that broadcasts values that don’t reflect what we believe, how can dads teach values to their kids? Here are ten ideas to help you as suggested by Mark Brandenburg;
  1. Tell them your life stories and teach through your stories 
    Kids love to hear stories about your childhood. Weave in some moral dilemmas and you’ve got great opportunities to teach values to them. It certainly beats lecturing your kids! 
  2. Live your own life according to your values—walk the talk.
    Kids learn by imitating, especially at a young age. They are very adept at seeing if what you say and what you do are matching up. Don’t give them confusing signals; follow your own values every moment. 
  3. Expose them to your religion or faith
    It seems especially important today to let them know that they’re not alone. Providing your kids with a community of faith will strengthen their values and provide parents some “leverage”
  4. Pay attention to who else might be teaching values to your kids
    Get to know your child’s teachers, coaches, relatives, etc. Anyone who spends time with your kids may be influencing them. Know their values and beliefs as well.
  5. Ask your kids questions that will stimulate dialogue about values
    Telling them what values they should have won’t always be effective, especially when your kids get older. Asking them “curious” questions will allow discussions that will eventually lead to values. “What did you think about that fight,” may be more effective than, “He shouldn’t have started that fight!”
  6. Talk to them about values in a relaxed and easy way
    Nothing will turn your kids off more than preaching values to them after they’ve screwed up! Talk to them when everyone’s relaxed, and do it in a light, conversational manner. They’ll be much more likely to be listening rather than tuning you out.
  7. Read them fairy tales when they’re younger
    Fairy tales capture the imagination of kids and can easily lead to a discussion of values. Kids will learn the most concerning values when they’re excited about the topic.
  8. Involve your kids in art, activities, or helping others while limiting TV and video games
    Kids learn values when they experience them. Allow them to experience helping others and involve them in activities that will expand their creativity.
  9. Have frequent conversations about values in your household
    This lets your kids know that it’s important and it’s not just something you talk about when they do something wrong.
  10. Have high expectations for your kids’ value systems
    Kids will tend to rise to the level of expectation you have for them. Their value system will often reflect yours if the expectations are high.


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Working Mom



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